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Questions for the 1st Training Seminar

  1. Is memorizing the formulae a pre-requisite for learning addition and subtraction well?  Please share your opinions and give examples using 5’s complement addition and 5’s complement subtraction.

  2. Please give examples using 10’s complement addition and 10’s complement subtraction formulae (In the example, include both 5’s and 10’s formulae and explain the differences).

  3. Please give example of 10’s mixed addition and subtraction (List the 10 common examples before you demonstrate)

  4. Please demonstrate how to conduct mental arithmetic with listening (one digit and two digits). Please explain the focus and timing to start this exercise.

  5.  Please demonstrate how to conduct mental arithmetic with reading (one digit). Please explain the focus and timing to start this exercise

  6.  Please give an example of addition and subtraction where students make common mistakes. For example, students always make a mistake of 1 or 2 in their answer.

  7.  Please explain the focus of abacus 2-digit addition (especially on moving into 50, moving into 100 and mixed formulae addition)

  8.  Please explain the focus of 2-digit subtraction (especially subtracting from 50, 100 and mixed formulae subtraction)

  9.  Please demonstrate how to do multiplication on abacus (setting place, 2 x 1, 3 x 1 and 2 x 2)

  10.  Please demonstrate how to do division on abacus (setting place, 3 ÷ 1, 4÷1)

Questions for the 2nd Training Seminar

  1. Please give examples of common mistakes students make when doing 2-digit addition and subtraction. For example, a difference of 10 in answers, missing a number, repeating a number, putting the number in the wrong place, switching the place etc.

  2.  Please demonstrate how to do addition and subtraction with fractions on the abacus (explain the concept of dimes and cents, how to write answers)

  3.  Please demonstrate how to do 4 ÷ 2 division (no over-quotient). Give examples of different positions of quotients on abacus in different scenarios (large divisor and small divisor)

  4.  Please demonstrate how to do 4 ÷ 2 division (over-quotient). Give examples of over-quotient by one, over-quotient by two and over-quotient by three or more)

  5.  Please demonstrate how to do 4 ÷ 2 division (same-first digit). Give examples of different questions in which the second digits in divisors are either big or small

  6.  Please demonstrate how to do 5 ÷ 2 division. Explain the difference between questions in which the answer has a zero in the middle or at the end.

  7.  Please demonstrate how to do 5 ÷ 3 division. Explain what to do when the third digit of the divisors is an over-quotient.

  8.  Please demonstrate how to do 3 x 3, 2 x 4, 4 x 2 multiplication. Give example of head-to-head multiplication and small times big multiplication)

  9.  Please explain the focus of 2 x 1, 3 x 1 mental multiplication and 3 ÷ 1, 4 ÷ 1 division

  10.  Please demonstrate how to solve for square roots (2-digit integers). Explain the steps and half of squares formulae.

Questions for the 3rd Training Seminar

  1. Please demonstrate how to do addition and subtraction with fractions and negative numbers. (Focus on solving the questions from the highest place and writing answers)

  2.  Demonstrate how to do solving for square roots (3-digit integers)

  3.  Demonstrate how to do solving for square roots (3-digit fractions)

  4.  Demonstrate how to do Level 3 multiplication (name numbers). Explain setting place, rounding and find answer to the requested place.

  5.  Demonstrate how to do Level 3 multiplication no (name numbers). Explain setting place, rounding and find answer to the requested place.

  6.  Demonstrate how to do Level 3 division (name numbers). Explain setting place, rounding and find answer to the requested place.

  7.  Demonstrate how to do Level 3 division (no name numbers). Explain setting place, rounding and find answer to the requested place.

  8.  Demonstrate consecutive multiplication and division, and primary operations questions.

  9.  Demonstrate how to do mental multiplication 2 x 2, 2 x 3, 3 x 2. Explain the connect between student’s mental addition and subtraction capability and mental multiplication capability. Explain methods.

  10.  Demonstrate how to do mental division 4 ÷ 2. Explain the different methods for regular, over-quotient and same-first digit questions.

Questions for the 4th Training Seminar

  1. Demonstrate how to do Level 1 and 2 multiplication on abacus. Explain the advantage and disadvantages of the different methods (setting place last, small times big)

  2.  Demonstrate how to do Level 1 and 2 division. Explain how to determine the place values of the dividends and divisor and how to use omission to save time.

  3.  Demonstrate how to use omission techniques for multiplication (name number and no name number). Explain the omission techniques and things to pay attention to when using this method.

  4.  Demonstrate how to use omission techniques for division (name number). Explain the omission techniques and things to pay attention to when using this method.

  5.  Demonstrate how to use omission techniques for division (no name number). Explain the differences between numbers that are dividable and not.

  6.  Demonstrate how to solve for cubic roots (2-digit integers). Explain the steps and how to do returning.

  7.  Demonstrate how to solve for cubic roots (3-digit integers). Explain the steps and what to do when the divisors are over 100.

  8.  Share your favorite mathematic or numerical games that can be played with students (2 to three games)

  9.  Please explain how one-way clear method works. Compare the one-way clear method for addition and subtraction, multiplication and division with the current methods.

  10.  Share your special experience and inspiration when teaching. They can be anything regarding teaching, competition, instructor training, certification exams etc.

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